Friday, July 13, 2007

Nasa World Wind

I work with an environmental law professor and a biology professor at UNC-Wilmington. They wrote an article for the Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College Environmental Law journal entitled '"One Man's Ceilin' is Another Man's Floor": Property Rights as the Double Edged Sword.' I took a diagram from that article and made it into a 3d model that could be used to visually demonstrate how seepage from one location to another underground impacts property and the same with the airborne pollutants which leave the property from which they were created.

I've been asked to help again with a re-doing of the diagram. I'm going to use Nasa World Wind to grab a real-world location and then model from that image in Blender. Right now I'm having trouble getting the same sort of image fidelity that I can get from Google Earth. I'm downloading the latest Java SDK to see if I can get some better resolution from a newer version or maybe I just need to poke around more deeply into how World Wind handles images. More on that later.

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